The Socialization of Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia (UKBI) by Balai Bahasa Banten

Monday, November 22nd, 2021 at 09:00 A.M. to end, Lembaga Bahasa Universitas Pamulang, Faculty of Lecturers (English and Indonesian Department) attended a socialization on Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa Indonesia (UKBI) by Kantor Bahasa Banten. The socialization was held at 8th floor Campus Viktor, Universitas Pamulang. Dr. Ramdon Dasuki, Lc., M.A. as the Dean of Letters Faculty opened the sosialization. Several lecturers and students from Indonesian Department were the participants. Furthermore, Kantor Bahasa Banten is the committee of this event, they were Halimi Hadibrata, M.Pd. as the Head of Balai Bahasa Banten, Wuri Dian Trisnasari, S.S., and 6 other team.

First, Mr. Halimi Hadibrata delivered his speech about the dignification of Bahasa Indonesia. Foreigners who come to Indonesia to study and to work must attend the test and have UKBI Certificate. Then, the agenda is continued with the speech from the Dean of Faculty of Letters about UKBI and the implementation of UNPAM MOU with Balai Bahasa Banten.

During the event, Mrs. Wuri Dian Trisnasari also delivered some information about UKBI to the audience. UKBI Adaptif is a test to measure someone’s proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia, whether it is spoken or written. In UKBI, there are five sessions of the test. They are Listening, Responding to Rules, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The documentation as follows: